if He Never Touched a Ball Again

Здравствуйте, уважаемые коллеги! Близится пора экзаменов и ЦТ, поэтому хочу поделиться упражнениями на отработку условных предложений. Уверен, что пригодятся! С уважением ко всем представителям нашего нелегкого труда, Сергей Валерьевич Микитский, учитель английского языка гимназии №6 г. Молодечно Минской области.

Grammer DRILLS

Conditionals I, 2, Iii

1. What is the blazon of Conditional?

ane. If I played a guitar, I would become a very famous rock star.

2. If I were you, I would take part in this contest.

iii. If he is late, he will miss the railroad train.

four. If Helen had not eaten so much ice foam, she would not have fallen it.

five. If we were clever and careful, we wouldn't alive amidst litter and waste product.

half-dozen. If Mary meets our instructor, she will ask her about the party.

7. If male parent buys tickets, we will become in that location,

8. If people had dreamed more about space flight, they would take found another planet to live on.

9. If I had felt better, I would have taken part in the competition.

10. If I am rich, I will aid poor people.

11. I would have won the start prize if I had worked hard.

12. If nosotros took care of our planet, we would not accept then many environmental problems.

13. If she hadn't studied so difficult last month, she wouldn't have passed her test.

14. I would build a business firm for my Granny if I were an architect.

15. If I have an apple tree, I will eat it.

2. Complete the sentences putting the verbs into the right form.

1. Of course it would be better if yous ________ (to be) there also.

2. I will never finish my story if you_________ (to continue) on interrupting me.

three. If we offset at present, we________ (to take hold of) the evening train.

four. If the teenager_________ (to collect) his thoughts, he would have won the contest.

5. If she finished her inquiry, she_________ (to take office) in the conference.

6. If I_________ (to take) something to say to a man, I'll tell it to his face.

7. What _____ you____ (to exercise) if you lot won 500 dollars?

eight. If the weather had been sunny and warm, we __________ (to go) to the country.

ix. If they_________ (to know) about the consequences, they wouldn't have dropped that cigarette pocket.

10. If John_______ (to practise) his home task, he'll get for a walk.

eleven. If they_________ (to take) intendance of their pets, the poor puppy and kittens wouldn't accept got into trouble.

12. Ann would behave well if you_______ (to take) her to a party.

xiii. If he felt bad, he________ (to stay) in bed.

xiv. If it______ (to be) safe, I will tell the truth.

15. If we had not relied on him, we_________ would not (to exist) tardily.

iii. Complete the sentences putting the verbs into the right class.

  1. If I ________ (to hear) the noise, I ________ (to open) the door. Only I hear nothing at the moment.
  2. If you_________ (to acquire) the words, you________ (non to get) a bad mark tomorrow.
  3. If we ___________ (to learn) the words, we _________ (non to have) a "iii" for the dictation 2 days agone.
  4. If he_______ (to find) her telephone number at present, he _________ (to telephone) her.
  5. If y'all ________ (not to tell) the truth next fourth dimension, you_______ (to experience) lamentable about information technology.
  6. If I ________ (to learn) Italian when I was at schoolhouse, I __________ (to visit) Italian republic the previous summer.
  7. My parents give me so piffling pocket money. If I ______ (to have) more than money, I ________ (to buy) a tablet.
  8. If Tony ________ (to have) a ball, he_________ (to play) a game at the next match.
  9. If I _____ (to exist) a diplomat, I _________ (to travel) a lot in the future.
  10. If I ________ (to live) near the river during my holiday in July, I __________ (to become) swimming every day then.
  11. If Helen ________ (to have) the information now, she ________ (to tell) them.
  12. If he ________ (to wait) for them, he ________ (to meet) them merely at the station terminal weekend.
  13. If I _______ (to listen) to the radio soon, I _________ (to know) all the news.
  14. If she _______ (to feel) well at present, she _______ (to get) to the mountains. It'due south a pity she is at the medico's.
  15. If you _________ (to work) hard during the 3rd term, yous __________ (to pass) that test successfully.



  1. C Ii
  2. C 2
  3. C I
  4. C 3
  5. C II
  6. C I
  7. C I
  8. C III
  9. C Three
  10. C I
  11. C Iii
  12. C Ii
  13. C 3
  14. C II
  15. C I


  1. were
  2. keep
  3. will/shall catch
  4. had collected
  5. would take part
  6. have
  7. would you do
  8. would have gone
  9. had known
  10. does
  11. had taken
  12. took
  13. would stay
  14. is
  15.  wouldn't have been


  1. heard, would
  2. don't learn, will get
  3. had learned, wouldn't have had
  4. finds, will phone
  5. don't tell, will feel
  6. had learned, would have visited
  7. had, would purchase
  8. has, will play
  9. am, will travel
  10. had lived, would have gone
  11. had, would tell
  12. had waited, would accept met
  13. listen, shall know
  14. felt, would go
  15. had worked, would have passed


Source: https://fortee.ru/2019/03/30/conditionals/

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