Kingdom Hearts 2 Shiro Amano Manga Read Online

Profile Image for Katie.

561 reviews 70 followers

September nine, 2017

Kingdom Hearts 2 is my fave of all the KH games (except for mayhap Birth by Sleep) then far, this volume of the manga is my fave of the manga that I take read and then far. I loved that Roxas (my fave) was in this as much as he was, and my center broke when he discovered the things about himself as the story progressed. I am looking forward to starting the next book before long, and standing with Sora on his journey!

    v-star-rating library read-in-2017
Profile Image for Kristen .

469 reviews 95 followers

August 1, 2018

Sora merely makes me and so freaking happy, the goofy niggling edible bean. He's also cute, as well precious. We must protect him from this harsh earth at any and all costs.

Kingdom Hearts ii is my favorite game of all time, by the fashion. :) This was an ambrosial adaptation.

Profile Image for Amelia King.

57 reviews

August 13, 2021

So good and edicting! Once I was reading it I couldn't put the volume downwardly!

    October 23, 2018

    Kingdom Hearts II, Book ane, by Shiro Amano is a well-fabricated manga that artfully captures the chief ideas and hilarious yet dark tones of the original games. The book is a fantasy graphic novel based on the popular video game series Kingdom Hearts, and the book that I read focus on the start of the second game in said series. The book takes place in the universe of Kingdom Hearts, which is different from our world. In this universe, there's one large milky way and many worlds, instead of just planets. For the books that I read of the series, the worlds that were visited were Twilight Boondocks, Mysterious Tower, and Hollow Breastwork, and The Land of Dragons. The chief characters of the series would exist Sora, Donald, and Goofy, however at the beginning of the first book, Roxas is the main character. Sora is a happy-get-lucky, light-hearted, cheerful boy who just wants to see his friends again after searching for then long. Donald is the sterner one of the party, who, despite being a imperial mage focused on his goal of finding King Mickey, all the same finds time to enjoy himself with his pals Sora and Goofy. Goofy is the royal knight who wants more than anything to discover his Male monarch and serve him once more. Goofy is, not different Sora, very happy and cheerful. Roxas is a skeptical and very curious boy who just wants to know more virtually the world and himself, no matter the cost.

    In the volume that I read, a lot took place in the plotline of Kingdom Hearts II. The first volume primarily focused on Roxas and his story. Roxas is a immature boy who keeps having recurring dreams most some boy (Sora) while trying to relish his summertime holiday with his friends Hayner, Pence, and Olette. When the story picks up, the grouping is upset considering they are being blamed for committing a crime by a rival group. Shortly afterwards this idea is introduced, we find out that someone has not only stolen certain objects, merely also the proper noun of said objects. To summarize what happened hither, it turns out an entity called a Nobody, a Sunset to be exact, stole photos of Roxas under command of a college ranking Nobody, Axel, because the Sunset thought the photos were actually Roxas. Once Roxas gets dorsum the photos, everything kind of goes haywire equally Axel tries to get Roxas to remember who he really is, to no avail, until Roxas meets upwards with a girl named Naminé that explains as much nearly him as possible before she is stopped by DiZ. She says that she's a witch with powers over Sora's memories and that Roxas was never supposed to exist and at present that she's put back together Sora enough, it'south time for Roxas to bring together upward with him. Now, naturally, this pissed off Roxas so he left one time DiZ came past. A short while later, afterward fighting Axel for the umpteenth time, DiZ freezes the entire world and summons Roxas to come to him, because it'south time for Roxas to become ane with Sora again. Roxas goes to the mansion where DiZ is and learns that the world that he's been living in was only a copy of a real one out in the universe. Everything he knew was false and he was very upset almost this then he destroyed the computers that DiZ was using to control the world. Later on this pocket-sized meltdown, Roxas fights Axel once once more, wins, then goes to the room where Sora is being stored. Roxas, after speaking with DiZ, decides to go with Sora and so he fuses with him to completely restore Sora'due south heart. Sora, Donald, and Goofy finally awake. They fight off hordes of Nobodies when they wake up and find the King, and have a rather short-lived reunion with him. Sora and the party, after saying their goodbyes to everyone, brand their way to the Mysterious Tower where Yen Sid lives in order to larn more about their new quest to fight the Nobodies, and to get some well-needed upgrades to their dress. Subsequently, the group sets out to Hollow Bastion and find a grouping of familiar faces, Leon, Yuffie, and Aerith, and assist them to combat the Nobodies and Heartless around the town. After the events of Kingdom Hearts I, the town is in a bit of disrepair since Ansem and the Heartless took it over, and the Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee (which Sora and the group are honorary members of) are trying to fix. Subsequently helping Leon fight through Nobodies and Heartless to get to the bridge, Sora has his showtime run into with System XIII. After talking with these mysterious Nobodies, Sora realizes a pathway to another earth has opened, and that world was the Land of Dragons. The volume leaves off at that place, on a not-so-nice cliffhanger.

    All in all, I loved this book a lot. Information technology's based on my accented favorite game series of all time, so maybe I'one thousand a bit biased. The book and the game are very complicated and it's non easy to condense all that happens into a curt and brief summary, but I did my all-time. This volume cleverly showcased the glory of the second game while inputting even more than humour that but added to its charm. I would easily read this book a meg times over if I could, equally I thoroughly enjoyed it. This volume is probably best for teenagers, as its concept is very complicated and younger ones might get lost easily. The art style is very fun and light-hearted though, which helps to distract from some of the sadness you run across, like Naminé getting dragged off and being silenced forcibly by DiZ. Overall, I really loved this book and would recommend it to anyone who loves Kingdom Hearts. If you have never played the game series or read the preceding manga serial to this one though, you won't understand whatever of what is happening, so be cautious!

    This entire review has been hidden considering of spoilers.

      Profile Image for OneOfNyn.

      93 reviews

      Edited April 25, 2018

      I'd forgotten how much I beloved these games. The story strays from the original timeline set in the game, merely only a piffling, and it's probably simply to brand the story more coherent in a reading format instead of playing format. I love the characters, and I tin can still hear their voices after all these years. I can't wait to selection up the other books and read them.

        Profile Image for Bee (BacchusVines).

        i,727 reviews 6 followers

        June 22, 2017

        I love KHII, the artwork is amazing likewise!

        Profile Image for Claire.

        406 reviews 39 followers

        Edited March six, 2019

        **My star rating applies to this series every bit a whole, not just this 1 book.

          heroic-fantasy made-me-cry
        Profile Image for Bradley.

        795 reviews six followers

        June 5, 2019

        Roxas, buddy, I wish I could exercise something for you. Later friend!

        Profile Image for Hannah.

        53 reviews 36 followers

        June 7, 2019

        I took so long with this because I knew what would happen to Roxas and I wanted to avoid information technology for every bit long as I can. Still breaks my heart to see him get through that.

          library-books-read series summer-read
        Profile Image for Ashley.

        142 reviews 2 followers

        January 2, 2021

        I Love this book! I am a huge fan of the Kingdom Hearts video game serial, and this book made the story even better. I can't wait to read the side by side volume in the series.

          Profile Image for Brianna Flores.

          388 reviews 7 followers

          March 19, 2017

          So much fun to get dorsum to this story with Sora, Donald, and Goofy! Reading this manga serial for preparation of Kingdom Hearts 3 coming out adjacent year. Information technology's great if you don't desire to play the games and just get a refresher from the story by reading them instead.

            Profile Image for Rachel.

            i,119 reviews 23 followers

            July 7, 2014

            While Sora sleeps, Namine rebuilds his memories, and Roxas lives the life of a normal boy. Roxas too, has lost his memories, but every bit the time of Sora's awakening approaches, they begin to render, even while his synthetic world falls apart. Once Sora emerges, he and his friends detect that a new enemy threatens the worlds. Nobodies, and the purpose of the mysterious Organization XIII are finally revealed in the chief canon.

            Kingdom Hearts 2 is an excellent adaption of the game. It has all the excitement, and the heart of the story, and fifty-fifty incorporates some of the battle mechanics. Every bit an additional touch, side characters get more confront time. The art style is different, but works well considering information technology can switch from its soft, heartfelt style, to a more wacky expressive one that fits the Disney comedy. The pacing is especially good, and the author has more infinite to explain some of the more than confusing twists.

            Like the game, the manga does a fair task of creating a standalone story, however because of all the connections, and complicated plot twists, it is highly recommended to read the series in guild: Kingdom Hearts, Chain of Memories, 358/two Days, and Kingdom Hearts II. This is not just important for agreement the story and its symbolism, just to feel the powerful feelings from its themes about the center, retentivity, connections, trust, etc. The Kingdom Hearts series is part Concluding Fantasy, and office Disney, and both are masters storytellers with these themes. Due to this collaboration, it volition appeal to a broad range of ages.

            Profile Image for Jamie.

            9 reviews

            April sixteen, 2014

            Kingdom Hearts has been my favorite game series since a very young historic period, and and so when I realized that there was a manga adaptation of some of the games I was very excited. I was specially excited for the KH 2 volumes and the KH 358/2 volumes, since I admittedly admire the stories of Roxas and the other nobodies. The manga follows along with the same plot as the game, beginning with Roxas' story so after transitioning to Sora's.
            (spoilers following) Like the game, I wish nosotros had more time with Roxas and his story before moving on to Sora, and I wish that the manga had included some of the day in KH II where Roxas went to explore the xiii Wonders of their town with Hayner, Pence, and Olette.
            I really like the art way of Shiro Amano, and I'm glad that he was the 1 who illustrated and created the manga. The characters are very expressive, even if that means their expression are sometimes actually simplified and/or ridiculous, but the faces of some graphic symbol fabricated me express mirth out loud on multiple occasions.
            Overall, I really enjoyed this manga, and information technology made me experience very nostalgic. I do not regret my decision to purchase this book and read it at all. I liked it then much that I'm going to start the second volume immediately.

              favorites manga
            Profile Image for Alicia.

            181 reviews

            Edited June xix, 2017

            Well, it is a fleck confusing reading the separate arcs out of gild and having simply played the first game, but I did savor it.
            The listings for these books also accept me very confused (both here and in my library catalog). I had a difficult fourth dimension finding the volumes I wanted in the statewide inter-library loan itemize and I concluded up with the whole KH I manga series but also a novelization of the game which I oasis't read withal, and likewise what I thought was KH Ii volumes 1, 2, and 3. The volume one (this link) says here that it'southward books 1 & 2 but my smaller book ii has capacity viii-13 and the larger book ends at affiliate 18 and then should probably be books ane-three? My larger volume three is chapters 38-50, so I'1000 missing the omnibus in between, sigh. These books are due the 2nd, then I volition be reading them out of social club again, or returning them and requesting the third jitney and hopefully finding the second one as well.

            Profile Image for Laura.

            205 reviews 12 followers

            Edited November 16, 2014

            I am but giving this three stars considering of my adoration of the game serial.

            Had I not played the games, I would have been completely lost reading this story. Very piddling background is given on whatever of the characters, and Organization Xiii is only explained with the vaguest of details. Disappointing, really, particularly when at that place is then much put into the narrative for this game. I would have loved to have seen the manga go across the confusing plot of the game itself and really add more backstory to the characters, peculiarly with Roxas and Axel, whose stories honestly deserve more than they are given.

            Needless to say, though... I will yet be sticking around for volume 2. But I won't exist happy most it.

            Profile Image for Diana Lynn.

            499 reviews fifteen followers

            September 1, 2016

            Ok, then this is the 'Final Mix' version of KH2 and information technology says it holds volumes i and 2 of the original manga, but it conspicuously goes into volume three. Honestly, it look gorgeous. The artwork has been redone and, apart from some not then expert-looking artwork on Axel, it is beautiful. The thing is, they are changing big things. (What is Vexen doing here???!) I can't say I'one thousand mad at it, more intrigued. Information technology makes me desire to know where they are going with it. The Beast stuff at the end was dissimilar as well and then I'one thousand just sitting here similar READY to read the next one. We shall encounter how this goes, simply and so far, it's exhilarating to read again. Definitely, would recommend the Final Mix version of these books because of the amazing artwork comeback, and pocket-sized extras.

            This entire review has been hidden considering of spoilers.

            Edited August ten, 2014

            When you run across it like this, it becomes really clear that Roxas is an excuse for a tutorial and Arrangement XIII is an excuse for a series of bosses that look similar.

            The Heartless/Nobody thing is vaguely interesting, but non specially clear in this book. (Or probably always. For example, all of the Nobodies are sad that they have no emotion. Or jealous that they have no emotion. Even beyond the bones irony, cf., they also are the most emotional characters in the book. )

            And other than that, the characters and their motivations are non clear.

            Profile Image for Hayley.

            179 reviews 13 followers

            Edited June 21, 2017

            Originally posted on BlueAnteater

            The Kingdom Hearts manga saga continues! There is much more than detail put in for Kingdom Hearts 2 than the first ones, and it'south not even finished existence published! (The writer took a break to practise 358/2 Days.) I liked the expanded section on Roxas, equally information technology fabricated him more than likable (and sad), and the worlds are doubled upward, not separate similar the game. Again, very funny and AMAZINGLY drawn.

              graphic-novels owned-book series
            Profile Image for Heather.

            68 reviews

            Edited February 11, 2016

            Post-obit the events from Kingdom Hearts: Concatenation of Memories (kind of, it seems 358/ii Days starts at the last half of Kingdom Hearts and finishes at the cease of Chain of Memories), we continue the run a risk with this next installment. Nosotros are introduced to a new grapheme named Roxas of Twilight Boondocks, but things arent all as they seem when strange things start happening to him notwithstanding his friends don't seem to detect anything amiss. What is going on, and why does he continue having strange dreams of a person he's never met before?

              Profile Image for Heather.

              89 reviews nine followers

              May 18, 2015

              The contents are slap-up. Colored pictures, scenes not in the game, everything's great. Only it is then hard to hold a book that is 2.5 books wide! This contains function of the third book of the manga, which screwed me upwards when I figured out I had to re-buy the unabridged series thanks to TokyoPop...

                manga-comic to-buy
              Profile Image for Elyse.

              433 reviews

              Edited March 19, 2014

              Just like my trouble with the video game, I don't actually care about Roxas and having to wait through over half the volume to get to Sora's story was abrasive.

                fantasy juvenile multi-world
              Profile Image for Laurianne Uy.

              Author 2 books 17 followers

              Edited June 27, 2014
              Profile Image for FluffBucket.

              7 reviews

              Edited May 29, 2015

              I Love THIS Book! Peculiarly how the writer adjusted the Struggle tournament! My favorite KH volume then far!



              November 3, 2016

              Book Name: Kingdom Hearts 2

              Source: This book is literally a book version of the game, with the whole of information technology being told in a comic book style, that starts at the back. No, seriously. If someone were to record the story fuelled cutscenes from the game, edit them into a long video, and create a comic book version, that is the book.

              Plot: Kingdom Hearts 2 Part one tells the start of the second journey of Sora, Donald and Goofy. Yes, Donald and Goofy are from Disney, I'm aware. In fact, the vast majority of the characters in Kingdom Hearts are from various Disney movies. When evil looms over the thought destroyed horizon, Sora, Donald and Goofy must flirtation up, again to stop the evil-ish plan of Organization 13. That story is kind of generic, I'll admit, but it has unique aspects, similar the Keyblade, a weapon with immeasurable power and potential.

              In that location are characters from Disney movies and Terminal Fantasy as well as some original characters.

              The areas are either original material or based on various Disney movies.

              What I like in the book is that the mass majority of the characters from Disney, but are in a different light while however acting in the way they would unremarkably act.

              The only affair i dislike from this book is that the story can be difficult to understand.

              Opinion: I remember this volume is accurately portaging the source textile in a nicely drawn comic book way. 9/10.

              Recommendations: If y'all are interested in Kingdom Hearts, merely can't play it, or like Disney and want to know more than most its characters, then this book/comic is for yous.

                Profile Image for Jillian -always aspiring-.

                one,702 reviews 182 followers

                May xi, 2019

                I take the nearly emotional connectedness to Kingdom Hearts 2 because I played it correct when it came out in the U.s., so reading this adaptation really brought back the feels, especially apropos Roxas. A sentimental read, definitely.




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